About US




Lawyer generation 86-91 from the Universidad Panamericana; Master’s degree in Business Law from the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and the Illustrious and National Bar Association of Madrid; active in independent practice since 2022, through the firm OI Consultores, in financial and regulatory legal advice (private debt and public debt); corporate and business matters in general. • Experience in the legal field within banking for more than 29 years, from Banco Mexicano Somex to Banco Santander Mexico, practicing in the legal areas of Corporate Banking, Corporate Finance, M&E, Commercial Banking, Institutions, Private Banking and Trust. • ⁠Regional legal director of Banco Santander in the central region of the country since 2004, with involvement in six states of the country. • ⁠Advisor and associate at Public Notary 24 of Querétaro for general banking matters.